Gut health

You are what you eat

… and not just your body but your brain too!

Have you ever had an upset tummy, and felt anxious and depressed at the same time? Well, certain digestive problems have one’s gut ‘[send] signals to the part of the brain that processes negative feelings’ (Enders, 2016, p. 107) – meaning our gut can actually dictate to our brain! All the more reason to be very careful about what you feed it, and what may be missing from your diet.

‘[G]ut bacteria can play a role in everything from obesity and allergies to Alzheimer’s’ (Enders, Gut, 2015)

Our modern diet ‘is strongly associated with obesity and related metabolic diseases’ and ‘promotes inflammation that arises from … changes in the resident microbiome’ (Zinöcker MK, 2018). Simply put, the food we eat (and neglect to eat) makes us fat and/or sick.

Not only that, but modern lifestyles also tend to have harmful effects on our gut’s microbiome – the intestinal micro-organisms that protect us against germs, break down food to release energy, and produce crucial vitamins – and then we need to repair it somehow. Stress, antibiotics, poor sleep quality, allopathic medication, and a poor diet all make for an unhealthy gut and, so, an unhealthy body and mind.

The best protocol to address this is to first and foremost, replace processed foods with whole foods; then populate your gut with the necessary bacterial flora and digestive enzymes to get it in shape while also adding gut healing supplements. The body has the ability to heal when the environment makes it viable.

Diet changes

When looking at a diet change, you cannot expect the best results by only cutting out processed foods, you also have to look at cutting out other foods that may cause inflammation, especially during the healing phase. This process may take up to three months or more, but the health benefits are well worth the effort!

Foods that should be avoided at all costs include:

  • Sugar
  • Gluten
  • Starch and all grains


The GAPS diet is a strict elimination diet that requires its followers to cut out:

  • Grains
  • Pasteurized dairy
  • Starchy vegetables
  • Refined carbs

 GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) is a term that Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, who also designed the GAPS diet, invented. GAPS is designed to heal the gut, preventing toxins from entering the blood stream and lowering “toxicity” in the body.

Whole Food Diet

The benefits of a whole food or a minimally processed diet include lower rates of heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. Another advantage of eating mostly whole foods comes from the vast array of nutrients acting together. You can start your transition to whole foods by replacing the following:

  • a muesli bar with a handful of mixed nuts
  • fruit juice with whole fruit
  • ham or other deli meats with roast chicken or pork
  • white bread with wholemeal or wholegrain bread
  • sugary breakfast cereal with a bowl of porridge with banana or berries.

You can also look at fermented foods such as Kefir, Tempeh, Natto, Kombucha, Miso, Kimchi, Sauerkraut, and probiotic yoghurt. Fermentation helps enhance food preservation, but eating fermented foods can also boost the number of beneficial bacteria, or probiotics, found in your gut.

Another great addition to your diet can be bone broth as it contains many important vitamins and minerals and benefits your digestive system.

Prebiotics and probiotics

In restoring the ideal balance of micro-organisms in our gut, there are two key soldiers to get fighting on our side: prebiotics, which are substances such as inulin that boost useful microbes; and probiotics, the microbes themselves that do the good work – such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

While you can find some of what you need in fermented and inulin-rich foods, the best way to ensure that you are not lacking in anything is to supplement with a good, live microbial product. This goes for children and babies too. Please note that breastfeeding infants do not need additional probiotics as it is covered by breastfeeding (

We offer a range of pre and probiotics, if you would like to find out more about our range, visit our online store at



Bone broth and supplements are great sources of collagen. We stock two important types of collagen, each with its own specific uses and benefits.

Sfera Bio Nutrition Marine Collagen With Peptan

Marine Collagen is a superior protein source which nourishes and rejuvenates the whole body. This type 1 collagen plumps the complexion by hydrating the skin and it reduces wrinkles.

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Pure Primal Primal Protein – Hydrolysed Collagen Peptides

Primal Protein provides bioavailable protein without the carb count to:
Skin, hair and nail growth, joint health and recovery, tighten loose skin, help improve tone/cellulite, high bio-availability, stable under acidic conditions. 

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While we see it is biologically necessary for newborns, a lot of new research is coming out about the benefits of taking colostrum throughout your whole life.

Albiofa Colostrum

Even though Albofia colostrum is slightly lower in nutrients compared to human colostrum it still contains immunoglobulin antibodies (igA), lactoferrin, and growth factors which support optimal health.

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Pure Primal Colostrum

Pure Primal colostrum is RAW, Free Range and has never been frozen or de-fatted. It is the most dense, nutritional supplement provided and packaged by mother nature, unaltered. For this reason, many lactose intolerant individuals may actually benefit hugely with using this rich, creamy powder daily.

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L-Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid – mainly found in muscles (60%), but also other tissues (lungs, etc.) It has a range of benefits including; assists in healing of wounds, burns, injuries – tissue repair mechanism, stabilizing blood sugar, curbs sugar cravings, decreases body fat, and so much more. We stock three types of L-Glutamine:

Something Natural L-Glutamine Powder

Kirkman L-Glutamine Capsules

SFERA Bio Nutrition L-Glutamine Powder

Digestive Enzymes

There is a well-known phrase “you are what you eat”, which refers to the condition of the human body. Specifically, this saying explains that the state of the body is dependent on the nutrients that are absorbed after the consumption of food.

SFERA Bio Nutrition Digest-it

This supplement offers digestive support and enhances the process of nutrient absorption. Our formulation includes a Black Pepper extract called Bioperine, which allows nutrients to be easily absorbed.

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Pure Herbal Remedies Digest Energy Capsules

This formula stimulates digestion and creates heat in the digestive system. It is useful for conditions where there is not enough enzyme production, insufficient absorption, or if you have overeaten.

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