Returning from planet Anesthesia

Most of us have been there – you glide blissfully away as you go under, only to surface in what feels like an alien world. All disoriented and perhaps even a bit teary …

But chin up. Big leaps forward in pharmaceutical research have meant a much better experience for the patient. What’s more, there are a number of steps you can take before and after to counter those dreaded side effects.

What to expect

Modern anaesthetic drugs are very safe! However, you may still experience some side effects.

Start by telling your doctor if you’ve had a bad reaction to anesthesia before so they can optimise your anesthetic cocktail.

Possible side effects to be aware of:

  • You may suffer from nausea directly after coming to, and perhaps even for another day or two. You can ask your anaesthetist to inject an anti-emetic into your drip before you are woken up, if you’re prone to nausea.
  • While the nurses will make sure your body temperature doesn’t drop too much, you may feel cold and shivery for a few minutes up to a few hours after waking up.
  • Other possible forms of discomfort include a sore throat and a dry mouth – sipping some water on coming to should help.
  • A rather common side effect is confusion for a few hours, and even days or weeks, especially for the elderly.
  • You may also experience some dizziness, which can be improved by hydrating yourself with clear fluids.
  • Anaesthetics will include a muscle relaxant, meaning your muscles may ache afterwards.
  • Your skin may feel itchy for a while.
  • A less common, short-lived side effect may be some difficulty in passing urine.

How to prepare for a quick bounce-back afterwards

Hydrate yourself properly before the time; water works best. And steer clear from alcohol the day before … Also try to make time for your exercise routine so as to optimise a healthy blood flow.

Then, of course, there are various supplements you can take to prepare your body for the day.

Two weeks before and after the time, take a high-potency multivitamin and mineral supplement containing vitamin B, C and E; beta-carotene; and minerals, including magnesium, zinc and selenium. These will not only boost your body with detoxifying antioxidants but will also help flush your system of the anaesthetic drug. Here are some recommendations to assist with your recovery:

NATURA Arnica D6 Tablets (150 tablets)
LIVON LABS Lypospheric Glutathione (GSH) (Box with 30 sachets / 10 loose sachets)
DNA BIOPHARM Derma-Psor (60 capsules)
DNA BIOPHARM DNA-Detox (150 capsules)

Another detoxifier is that old stalwart, milk thistle, which will help preserve and increase your level of glutathione. This natural antioxidant protects your liver, and is depleted by chemicals such as anaesthetics. Our Coyne Healthcare Bio-Milk Thistle Complex will provide the correct dose in organic form. Find some of our milk thistle options below:

SFERA BIO NUTRITION Milk Thistle Super Complex (60 capsules)
KIRKMAN Milk Thistle (100 capsules)
COYNE HEALTHCARE Bio-Milk Thistle Complex (30 capsules)

A lipotropic formula containing choline and methionine will increase the glutathione and S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) in your liver, promoting the flow of bile and fat through this vital organ. This will aid the liver in processing the anaesthetic drugs. Supplement daily with

Then, after surgery, avoid saturated fats, sugar and alcohol. Make sure you eat enough fibre-rich foods such as oat bran, legumes, apples and pears, and veggies like broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, artichokes, beets and carrots. Other foods that will do you good include garlic, onions, eggs and spices like cinnamon and turmeric.

We also recommend that you seek the assistance of a good chiropractor or osteopath to help your body find balance again. To assist with the pain, have a look at some of our joint and nerve pain products at

Then you should drink your recommended six to eight glasses of water per day – one every two hours.


Don’t stress about going under – you’ll be back up before you know it! As long as you take special care of your body and boost yourself with proper food and nutrients, you’ll be as good as new in no time.

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